What We Do

The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) is a school- and district-wide leadership assessment and feedback system. There are various versions of the CALL System, and the CALL Team offers a variety of tools and coaching services to support district-wide school improvement work. All CALL Systems include a user-friendly reporting system that school and district leaders use as a tool to support school improvement work. The CALL team also works with other organizations to enhance their improvement work with school and district leaders.

The CALL Systems and the CARE Process were built on the principles that: school leadership is critical to enhancing teaching and learning, leadership is not confined a single person, data should be practical and action-oriented, and support for practitioners is best provided through inquiry-based coaching processes.

The CALL Team provides ongoing support through our CARE Coaching Process which leverages the action-based data from systems such as CALL Primary and WIDA SIS to help identify targeted areas for improvement.

CALL Primary System

Developed and validated at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) measures key instructional leadership practices at the school and district level. School and District leaders across the country use CALL to support school improvement planning, inform professional development plans, and to conduct comprehensive needs assessments.

Four Domains CALL System

The Four Domains CALL System was derived from the research-validated Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) instrument. The Four Domains CALL System measures key instructional leadership practices at the school and district level that are aligned to the Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement framework developed at the Center on School Turnaround at WestEd. School and District leaders use the Four Domains CALL System for comprehensive needs assessments and to support school improvement planning.

WIDA School Improvement System

Developed in collaboration with WIDA, this school-wide leadership and assessment system measures the key practices that support teaching of English Learners (EL). The resulting data informs the professional development needs in a school to support teachers in their effort to support all students in the classroom.

CARE Coaching Process

The CARE Coaching Process at WCEPS combines practical data with personalized coaching sessions. Upon using tools such as CALL and WIDA SIS, our CARE Coaches work with school and district leaders to create supportive relationships that enable leaders to identify opportunities for growth and action steps for ongoing improvement.

CALL for Equity-Centered Leadership

The CALL-ECL Equity-Centered Principal Pipeline Initiative project will study urban school district efforts to prepare equity-centered school leaders. The project will document the development of principal development pipelines, trace the growth of professional networks, and develop data tools to support the practices of equity-centered leaders in schools. 

CALL for Personalized Learning

Developed specifically to support personalized learning, the CALL for Personalized Learning survey (CALL PL) evaluates eight key practices of personalization. School and District leaders get detailed reports to inform policy, staff training and infrastructuring. Classroom educators get individualized reports, formative feedback and resources. By discussing survey data, leaders and teachers can improve practice.

Long Distance CALL

From the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL), this is Long Distance CALL: a school-wide leadership assessment and feedback system for remote teaching and learning. Learn more about the benefits of capturing action-based data to support school improvement planning during this unique time for K-12 schools.

Collaborative Partnerships

The CALL Team partners with excellent mission-driven organizations, such as WestEd and WIDA, to create a versions of CALL that enhances the work of these organizations to support school improvement. The CALL Team is seeking additional mission-aligned organizations interested in using CALL, or a customized version of CALL, to accelerate their improvement work with schools through a more effective process.