Richard Halverson
Principal Investigators Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis Wisconsin Center for Education Research University of Wisconsin – Madison

Dr. Halverson’s research aims to bring the research methods and practices of the Learning Sciences to the world of educational leadership. His research explores the use of data driven instructional systems in schools, and the development of game and simulation based tools for professional learning. Dr. Halverson’s work integrates how classical ideas of wisdom and practical knowledge can be used to understand the complex work of contemporary school leaders. He has developed research methods and theoretical frameworks to access, document and communicate the expertise of school leaders.

Dr. Halverson co-founded the Games Learning and Society (GLS) research group at UWMadison. He is a Fellow at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, and is an affiliate member of the UW-Madison Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Psychology departments, and a founding member of the UW-Madison Learning Sciences program area.